CampTag Hero

No more messy spreadsheets

CampTag makes UTM Building and Campaign Naming a breeze
by managing your Naming Conventions

CampTag Hero

Create names and UTMs that are compatible with every advertiser

Standard URL tracking codes
Standard URL Tracking Codes
CampTag standardizes names and URL parameters across all your campaigns. Bring consistency into your campaign names and URL parameters to ensure that your campaign data is more accurate and insightful.
Custom dimensions
Custom Dimensions
Gone are the days of 5 standard UTM parameters. Custom dimensions enable you to collect more granular data about your customers. CampTag allows you to create unlimited custom dimensions and add them to your URLs and campaign names.
Rules and Constraints in URL tagging
Rules and Constraints
Maintain the data integrity of your campaign names and URLs by defining constraints. Constraints allow you to prevent data entry mistakes by restricting what dimension values can be combined.

Manage multiple naming conventions, brands and teams

Workspaces in CampTag
Separate your campaign taxonomy and brands using Workspaces. Grant users access to specific workspaces to separate teams and business units.
Bulk Create URLs
Bulk Create
Speed up your workflow with CampTag's Bulk Create feature. Automatically generate hundreds of standardized Names and UTMs in just a few clicks.
History and changelogs
History Tracking
Detailed changelogs along with three different user roles enable you to control and monitor access to your marketing taxonomy.
Lincoln Faulkner
Senior Manager , Marketing Digitalization
CampTag enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of our media naming process by enabling us to manage a unified taxonomy across all our brands and teams, which gave us more confidence in our campaign data and analytics.

8 reasons to choose CampTag for your marketing campaign taxonomy

Build campaign taxonomy
Build and standardize campaign taxonomy with a few easy clicks.
Seamless integrations
Integrations with Adobe Analytics and other platforms to ensure seamless campaign data capture.
Custom Dimensions
Use traditional UTM parameters, or create custom dimensions to improve tracking.
Better marketing attribution
Make your marketing attribution and analytics richer.
No more messy spreadsheets
Get rid of your conventional messy, error-prone spreadsheets.
Better business insights through CampTag
Super-charge your analytics data, gain more insights to make better business decisions.
Better collaboration between teams
Bring in better collaboration between Analytics and AdOps teams.
Fewer errors in campaign tagging
Define rules and constraints to ensure fewer errors in campaign tracking codes.

Learn more about marketing taxonomy with these articles

SFTP connection now in CampTag
We often spend a lot of time transporting our UTMs for analytics across different platforms manually. We at CampTag have made it simple for you using an automated SFTP connection.
Introduction to UTM parameters
Learn all about UTM parameters, and how UTM tagging can help gather a wealth of information about your visitors.
Campaign names - Marketing Taxonomy
Standard, organized marketing campaign names can improve your analytics and ROI attribution.
Case Study on Campaign Taxonomy
Read this success story on how CampTag helped a Fortune 500 company with their marketing campaign taxonomy.
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