Integrate CampTag with Adobe Analytics using Workflows

CampTag’s Integration with Adobe Analytics ensures that your SAINT classification data is synced with Adobe Analytics when creating UTMs.

The Workflows feature lets you seamlessly sync the name formats and URL formats you create in CampTag with Adobe Analytics. URL formats are validated and submitted to Adobe Analytics in a few simple, easy clicks. There are validation reports to help you work on any URL that might be faulty, and re-submit them.

Here's how to create Workflows in CampTag:

1. Preparing your Dimensions for Syncing

While discussing adding Custom Dimensions to CampTag, we had looked at different types of dimensions like Options, Freeform, and ID.

Since Adobe Analytics campaign URLs are tagged using Campaign ID, or CID, you have to choose the ID-type dimension here. In the Dimensions tab on CampTag, Click on Create Dimension and choose ID as the Type. You can specify the character limit, and prefix, if any here.

Choosing ID as Dimension type

2. Creating the Campaign Name Format

Create marketing taxonomy or name formats using the same method already discussed in this user guide.

You have to choose a Name, Description, Character limit, and all the Dimensions that you want to include in your Campaign Name.

Creating Campaign Name Format

3. URL Formats to sync CampTag with Adobe Analytics

The URL Formats have to be created in a specific manner to be compatible with Adobe Analytics URL tagging.

  1. Click on Create URL Format.
  2. Give a Name, Description, and Character Limit.
  3. From Dimensions, choose all the dimensions that you want to include in your Campaign URL.
  4. Creating URL format for Adobe Analytics
  5. The next important step is to group them by the ID Dimension you have created already. You will notice in the Preview section that the URL changes to, which is exactly the format you want for your Adobe Analytics Campaign Tagging. Remember, this step is very important to ensure that the URLs you submit to Adobe Analytics are in the right format.
  6. Group dimensions to CID for Adobe Analytics

4. Creating a Workflow

Once the prep work is completed, you can create your Integration with Adobe Analytics and set up a Workflow.

  1. Click on Workflows in the left navigation and select ‘Create Workflows’.
  2. Give a Name to the workflow.
  3. Also, select the Connection you have already set up and the URL format you have created.
  4. Creating a Workflow in CampTag
  5. Click on the Workflow you have created, and select ‘New Submission’
  6. You will have a 'spreadsheet-like' interface, where you can select values for all the Dimensions in your URL format.
  7. Submitting Campaign Tags to Adobe Analytics
  8. Once you are done adding all values, Click Submit to send these URLs to Adobe Analytics.
  9. CampTag validates your connection and the submission values within a few seconds, showing the upload Status, and errors if any.
  10. Upload status of URLs
  11. You can download the Submitted File, with all the values you had added to the spreadsheet as a .csv file.
  12. The URLs link on the right of this screen will give you the final URLs including the CID values.
  13. Download URLs submitted to Adobe Analytics

How does an Integration with Adobe Analytics help?

A lot of organizations are now choosing Adobe Analytics as their web analytics solution, though it is quite expensive. Adobe Implementation requires some technical know-how compared to Google Analytics, but it has many advantages.

  • Data Storage for the entire lifetime of the account
  • Personal visitor data is captured
  • Over 100 goals tracked
  • Easy to share data with other users
  • Customer support
  • Integrations with third-party tools
  • Advanced report-building options
  • Flexible workspace with drag-and-drop options and flexible tables

URL tagging for Adobe Analytics is done using SAINT CLASSIFICATION using an s.variable to which multiple values are assigned for various dimensions that you want to capture. Campaign ID or CID values are appended to campaign URLs, which denotes the Dimensions and Value key pairs that you want to track.

Assigning unique CIDs, and mapping them to the correct Dimension values is very crucial for accurate Analytics Reports.

CampTag can help you implement Adobe Analytics URL tagging accurately. Reach out to us today if you would like to implement Campaign URL tagging for Adobe Analytics.